Don’t stress. Do your best. Forget the rest. – Anonymous
Dear Benzie Central families,
We hope this finds you and your children well and healthy. As our state and nation is facing challenges and uncertain times with the navigation of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), we want to assure you that our staff continues to plan and prepare for supports for our students while we are physically not in session. Should you stumble upon an amazing learning website that you would like to share with others, please contact Catina Crossman in the Central Business Office via email.
Stay safe, be well, and you know the drill….GO HUSKIES!
Continuity of Learning Plan (please click here)-4.9.2020
Continuity of Learning Plan – Great Start Readiness Program (please click here)
Access for families in Benzie County with library cards:
- Digital Books (Kids, Teens, Adults): https://upnorth.
- rb Digital (Audio Books): https://wmlpmi. - Transparent Language: https:// westmichiganmi/service/ transparent_language
Additional Resources:
Click here for preschool activities.
Click here for Kindergarten through Grade 3 activities
Learning Without Tears: Handwriting (K-5) & Pre K Learning
Scholastic: Learn at Home (PreK- 6+) (no login required)
Crayola: Free Coloring Pages
GoNoodle: GoNoodle® engages 14 million kids every month with movement and mindfulness videos created by child development experts. Available for free at school, home, and everywhere kids are!
Cool Kid Facts: A FREE resource for everyone. Fun facts on animals, planets, science, geography, history, and more.
Virtual Farm Trips: link
Ideas for students:
Amazing Educational Resources
Fun Brain -games, reading, videos, playground, math zone
Switch Zoo -Make and Play, Watch and Listen, Teach and Learn –
- Storyline Online: Storyline Online receives over 100 million views annually from children all over the world.
Reading aloud to children has been shown to improve reading, writing and communication skills, logical thinking and concentration, and general academic aptitude, as well as inspire a lifelong love of reading.
- Art For Kids Hub: Welcome to our family YouTube channel, Art For Kids Hub! We love doing art together and hope you follow along with us.
- Sketchpad: Welcome to Sketchpad. Your digital makerspace.
- AutoDraw: Fast Drawing for everyone.
- Symbaloo: This is the BEST and most current webmix of online art making and learning websites you’ll find. Highly recommended for Elementary to Middle School aged children!! This symbaloo is regularly updated.
- DARIA: a website from this multiple award-winning educator and musician. The website was given a 2009 Parent’s Choice Award for its family-friendly introduction of world music to young people and it’s resources for teachers, parents and special education professionals. The instrument section allows children to color, hear and find pdf instructions on how to make world music instruments such as cajónes (box drums), didgeridoos, shekeres, pow-wow drums and guiros along with cultural background information.
- From The Top: The From The Top website is designed for young classical musicians. This clever website has: The Green Room, Hall of Fame, Answer Zone, Student Lounge, a Reference Room and an area for parents and teachers. Partnered with the highly successful From The Top radio program, this site offers the more “serious” young musicians an opportunity to hear from others like them and benefit from socialization of sorts with others like themselves.
- Jazz Kids: JazzKids was created for children of all ages. The website offers teachers, parents and even the youngest students the opportunity to be introduced to jazz. The interactive audio, video and curriculum are not intended to replace a teacher!
- Fun Brain: Funbrain offers games on composers, instruments, reading and vocabulary.
- DataDragon: Learning about and listening to different instruments, reading music, musical genres and links to additional sites are the features of this site.
- Soundfly: Online music courses with a human touch
- fitness Blender: Workout videos for every fitness level. Absolutely free.
- Beachbody Kids Workouts:During this unprecedented time, we want to continue helping families stay healthy and sane by offering some fun ways to expend energy together. With schools out and no formal recess or P.E., we hope you’ll use these workouts to make family fitness fun and a part of your daily routine with our free selection of Beachbody Kids Workouts from Beachbody celebrity trainers Tony Horton, Shaun T and Leandro Carvalho. This is a temporary service where we make these free to access. For access to all our content subscribe to Beachbody On Demand.
- Benzie Central Body Mechanics
- Epic! is the Leading Digital Library for Kids 12 & Under: free 30 day trial. If students are already connected through classroom teacher, school hours could be free at home.
- Myon: Renaissance myON® Reader is a student-centered, personalized literacy environment that gives students access to more than 6,000 enhanced digital books with comprehension activities. Titles are dynamically matched to each individual student’s interests, grade and Lexile® reading level. This is the same program that students use in school and for summer reading. Once books are loaded on a device, they can be accessed offline. Contact your child’s teacher if your child needs a reminder of his/her username and password.
- Pioneer Valley BookBuilder Online: BookBuilder™ Online is designed to make personalizing stories for young readers simple. Insert your student’s name, as well as the names of important people in the child’s life, and print out a story in either black and white or color. The printed pages can be easily cut and stapled to create a mini book for your students to practice at home.
- Pixton: Pixton is the world’s most popular comic maker and storyboard creator for teachers and students. Create an account for free and make comics.
- ReadWorks: FREE content, curriculum, and tools to power teaching and learning from Kindergarten to 12th Grade.
- Read, Write, Think: Offers engaging ways to introduce children to reading and/or encourage writing. Also shares some age-appropriate book suggestions for kids of all ages. The materials are created by experts to be fun, educational, and easy to use outside of school. - Scholastic: Scholastic Learn At Home: Organized by grade level, students have access to daily lesson plans that include a book, video, and variety of reading, writing, and researching activities and projects to go along with the topic/book:
- Squigglepark:
- Storyline Online: Videos featuring celebrated actors reading children’s books alongside creatively produced illustrations.
- VOOKS: Improve literacy and impact your child’s future with Vooks, a library of animated read aloud storybooks that are kid-safe and ad-free. 30 day free trial
- Journal Buddies: 9 creative writing activities for kids writing activities for kids
- Into the Book: a reading comprehension resource for elementary students and teachers. We focus on eight research-based strategies: Using Prior Knowledge, Making Connections, Questioning, Visualizing, Inferring, Summarizing, Evaluating and Synthesizing. Try the online interactive activities, or click below to find out how to get our engaging 15-minute video programs.
- Cool Math: offers online math games that help students ages 3+ with basic math lessons, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, decimals, money and more. is appropriate for ages 3 through 12 and includes math games for pre-K students.
- OpenMiddle: Open Middle problems are a unique type of problem, for all grade levels K-high school, which generally involve multiple ways of solving. They require higher-level thinking to solve and assess procedural and conceptual understanding. These problems are good for students who are up for a challenge!
- Sumdog: Personalized math (& spelling) practice that students love. Engage your students with adaptive learning and multi-player games. Aligned to the key standards or K-8, Sumdog is proven to accelerate growth.
- Symbolab – Solutions, graphing calculator, practice
- National Library of Virtual Manipulatives: Offers “hands-on” manipulatives for grades prek-12 in each of the five strands of mathematics: algebra, number and operations, geometry, measurement, and data and probability.
- Prodigy: Full curriculum access for students, parents, and schools. No cost, ever.
- XtraMath: A nonprofit organization dedicated to math achievement for all with activities for achieving math fact proficiency.
- Crash Course Kids: A series of educational YouTube videos centered around science and engineering. Most of the focus is on 5th grade, but there are others on there as well. Engineering Process, Life Science, Earth Science, Physical Science and Space Science videos are all included.
- Generation Genius: Free and engaging lessons and experiments for families to use at home.
- Mystery Science: Mystery science is expertly designed to engage students, achieve learning outcomes, and be easy for parents to use at home. They provide engaging science lessons over video, some including easy science experiments. It is free to access. No account or login needed. Lessons are geared towards Kindergarten-5th grade.
- NASA Kids Club: The NASA Kids‘ Club is a games-based website that stimulates children’s interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics by incorporating five skill levels, national education standards and NASA content.
- Story Time From Space: While in space, astronauts are videotaping themselves reading books to the children of Earth. These videos are being edited and placed on this Story Time From Space website- look under the heading ” Story Time Videos”. Astronauts on the ISS will also conduct and videotape educational demonstrations designed by Veteran Canadian Astronaut, Bjarni Tryggvason, to complement the science concepts found in the Story Time From Space books – look under the heading “Science Time Videos”. To make Story Time From Space even more useful for educators, cross-content curriculum is being designed to support the Next Generation Science Standards and Common Core. All of these materials, along with the videos from orbit, will be posted here on the Story Time from Space website, providing easy access for educators, families, libraries, science centers, scouts and others – look under the heading “Curriculum”.
- Smithsonian Science: Science and engineering based games geared toward grades K-2 Features include: Aligned to educational science standards for kindergarten through second grade, Designed for emergent readers, Metacognitive prompts provide students an opportunity to monitor and assess their own confidence, In-game tutorial to teach students how to play, Introduces students to engineering design principles, Students can reflect on previous attempts to improve design, Designed to be used in the classroom or at home.
- History for Kids: Welcome to History for Kids the free online history network. We hope you enjoy and have fun exploring our history. The website is packed with articles, worksheets and even a quiz on each section. You will find cool games, videos, worksheets on many historical events that will help you understand those that have gone before us.
- National Geographic Kids: National Geographic Kids features educational games, videos, and other activities centered mostly on animals and the natural world. Kids also can get virtual tours of different countries, featuring fun facts and other information.
- Help Teaching Use these social studies worksheets and interactive activities to help your students develop critical thinking skills and understanding of U.S. and world history, and geography.