Benzie High School Staff

  • All
  • Advanced Biology
  • Advanced Treble Ensemble
  • Algebra
  • Algebra 2
  • Algebra 2 Co-Taught
  • Algebra I
  • Algebra I Co-Taught
  • AP Biology
  • AP Calculus
  • AP Literature
  • Applied Science
  • Assistant Director of Operations
  • Athletic Director
  • Athletic Secretary
  • Band
  • Basic Theater Arts
  • Biology
  • Body Mechanics
  • Body Mechanics Athletic Performance
  • Body Mechanics Healthy Lifestyles
  • Ceramics
  • Chamber Choir
  • Chemistry
  • Choir
  • Civics
  • Coed Physical Education
  • Counselor
  • Crafts
  • Current Events
  • Custodian
  • Digital Literacy
  • Digital Literacy 8
  • Director of Educational Technology
  • Director of Operations
  • Drawing
  • Earth Science
  • Economics
  • Ecosystems
  • English 10
  • English 10 Co-Taught
  • English 11
  • English 12
  • English 6
  • English 9
  • Fine Arts
  • Geometry
  • Geometry Co-Taught
  • Health
  • Honors Biology
  • Honors Chemistry
  • Honors English
  • Honors Geometry
  • Intro to Culinary
  • Intro to MS Art
  • Intro to Physical Education
  • Jazz Band
  • Librarian
  • Media Specialist
  • Multimedia
  • Mythology
  • Natural Resources
  • Nutrition
  • Outdoor Maintenance and Grounds
  • Parapro
  • Personal Finance
  • Personal Finance Co-Taught
  • Physical Education
  • Physics
  • Pre Calculus
  • Principal
  • Principals of Agriculture
  • Pupil Accounting Specialist
  • Restorative Practice
  • RR Algebra 2
  • RR Algebra I
  • RR English 10
  • RR English 11
  • RR English 12
  • RR English 9
  • RR Geometry
  • School Resource Officer
  • Secondary & Technical Education
  • Secretary
  • Spanish
  • Special Education
  • STEM 6
  • Street Law
  • Studio Arts
  • Symphonic Band
  • Technology
  • U.S. History
  • Virtual Online Two-Way Communication Mentor & Support
  • Welding & Metal Fabrication
  • World History

Barrie Kreiner

Belva Whaley

Bernie Killeen

Brian Parent

Carla Van Farowe

Carmen Briggs

Catina Crossman

Chantelle Jones

Char Jeske

Cheryl Smith

Corey Bechler

Dana Shepherd

Danielle Schafer

Deputy Matt McKinley

Deputy Suzanne Maul

Dylan Lightfoot

Eli Harris

Gib Lucas

Irvin Meachum

Jalen Williams

Jason Katt

Jay Jarnot

Jeanett Pritchett

Jenny Weisman

Jessica Rhodes

Joseph Trudeau

Josh Lovendusky

Joshua Crocker

Kevin Kobylski

Kirsten Cline

Kyle Locke

Kylie Jensen

Matt Olson

Mike Zielinski

Misty Tennant

Mitch McDonald

Nancy Reed

Olivia Miller

Paul Zavitz

Polly Gillison

Racquel Huddleston

Randy Page

Rebecca Meachum

Richard Fischbach

Ross Gay

Tanika Greisiger
